Web Media PDA203 | Spring 2008 | Tues/Thurs 8:30 - 11:20 am
Introductory level web media class. We will cover [X]HTML, CSS and basic PHP (dynamic server-side scripting). Applications utilized will be JEdit [for hand coding XHTML], Dreamweaver, Photoshop/Illustrator and (maybe) Flash.
Instructor: Robert Carlsen
Contact: Wilson Hall, Room 37
Meetings: by appointment.
Course Texts: [required]
HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide, Sixth Edition, Musciano & Kennedy, O'Reilly, 2007
Envisioning Information, Tufte, Graphics Press, 1990
W3 Schools, CSS http://www.w3schools.com/css/default.asp
- USB keychain drive, or
- CDRW, or
- firewire/usb2.0 drive, or
- anything that will let you save your work.
- Sketch Book
Course Requirements :
Students are expected to spend a minimum of 6 hours per week in the lab outside of class. Class attendance is necessary; more than 2 unexcused absences can result in a grade penalty. Lateness up to 30 min is considered late. Two occurrences of lateness will be considered one absence. Lateness beyond 30 min is considered an absence. All assignments must be presented on due date; assignments not handed in receive an "F"; assignments handed in late, without a proper excuse, will receive a grade penalty.
Course Work:
- Formal documentation of the process of creating media for your projects that includes written and visual components. Weekly journal/sketchbook covering ideas, sketches, source materials, storyboards, flowcharts, character/scene/story development, production techniques, readings, videos and discussions. Documentation is turned in at midterm and final classes.
- Several studio projects and one final project. Final project will be delivered as a live website.
- Regular studio exercises and class participation. Final review of class and studio assignments.
Course Materials
You must already have a IQ Web account. If you donŐt already have an IQ Web account: Open a web browser and
type http://www.moorecollege.net/iqweb/Visitor/RequestAccount.asp in the URL location field. Follow the on-line instructions.
You must supply your own backup media. Optimally, I recommend a Firewire and/or USB2 external hard drive; larger capacity is better.
You are responsible for backing up your work - BACK UP EARLY AND OFTEN.
Grading Policy
- Documentation - 10%
- Class Participation - 10%
- Assignments - 15%
- Projects - 40%
- Final Project - 25%
- Technical Understanding 33.3%
- Aesthetic Value 33.3%
- Content and Originality 33.3%
Grading will be based on class participation, the class projects, the documentation requirement, and a final project. All assignments must be presented on due date; assignments not handed in receive an "F"; assignments handed in late, without a proper excuse, will receive a grade penalty. Assignments will be collected on DVD at mid-term and at semester end, which is considered part of your documentation grade. You are responsible for archiving and backing up your work.
Week 1, Tues.
- Class
- Review Syllabus
- Class Policies
- Internet History [pdf]
- Development Environment
- Media for web
- Look at common sites' source code
- YouTube, Flickr
- MySpace, FaceBook
- Digg, Slashdot
- HTTP (web)
- On-Demand
- Streaming
- RSS (Podcasts)
- questionablecontent.net
- xkcd.org
- http://marklivesinikea.com/
- http://www.wefeelfine.org/
- Flickr Tag Browser[go]
- User Generated content:
- Content Delivery:
- Reading:
- HTML & XHTML, Chapters 1 & 2
Hand code basic XHTML page, due next class.
First Page example.
Week 1, Thurs.
- Class
- Look at "Hello World" pages.
- Review basic HTML tags, attributes
- Typical Workflow
- Code (jedit, dreamweaver)
- Preview locally (safari, firefox, ie)
- Upload (fetch, cyberduck, coreFTP)
- Preview remote (testing server)
- Feedback cycle (make changes/fixes and upload again)
- Upload to live server
- ??
- Profit!
- Image compression - file size, resolution, format, colors
- Vector v. Raster
- Exercise
- Using Photoshop to prepare images for web
- Generate new pages, using images
- Use copy from "Understanding Media" by Marshall McLuhan
- Uploading to Development Server (FTP - File Transfer Protocol)
- Reading:
- HTML & XHTML, Chapters 3 & 4
ASSIGNMENT: Create folder on development server. Finish and upload McLuhan page.
Week 2, Tues.
- Class
- Check out "Understanding Media" pages on development server.
- Review image compression steps
- Demo saving as GIF
- Review saving as JPEG
- Demo exporting from Illustrator
- (Basic) Flowcharting site navigation
- HTML general rules (for standards compliance)
- Use only lowercase when writing tags.
- All values of attributes must be in quotations.(REQUIRED)
- All tags must have an opening and closing tag, the end uses the forward slash. The ending tags have no attributes..(REQUIRED)
- Tags that have no ending in HTML such as the break tag or line tag, must have a forward slash trailing the tag, but within the brackets.
- Tags must be nested properly for multiple effects on the same segment of the HTML document. Such as to make the words italic and bold .
- Exercise
- Using Photoshop to prepare images for web (again)
- Creating basic template for slideshow
- Design flowchart for slideshow site
- Reading:
- HTML & XHTML, Chapter 5: Images
- Introduction and Escaping Flatland, Envisioning Information, Tufte
ASSIGNMENT: Draft proposal for Photo Essay Project.
- Photos as a whole should say something about you.
- Apply ideas from the Tufte reading to "escape flatland".
- Can include formal photography, candid snapshots and everything in between
- You may consider captions to weave a story (or not)
- (Old) Example in a journal syle.
Week 2, Thurs.
- Class
- Review Photo Essay ideas
- Look at interesting sites
- Using tables (but don't get too used to them)
- Creating graphics for interface
- Exercise
- Prep images for use in Photo Essay
- Create interface graphics for Photo Essay project
- Reading:
- HTML & XHTML, Chapter 6: Links
ASSIGNMENT: Begin work on Photo Essay Project.
- Gather materials / shoot photographs
- Write captions / story as necessary
- Create interface in Photoshop
Week 3, Tues.
Interface, continued
- Class
- Creating graphics for interface
- Slicing interface in Photoshop
- Using "Save for Web..." to prepare code
- Exercise
- Create interface graphics for Photo Essay project
- Use Photoshop to mock up site design
ASSIGNMENT: Work on Photo Essay Project.
Week 3, Thurs.
Testing, Publishing
- Class
- Customizing Photoshop generated code
- Directory paths, revisited
- Testing locally
- Uploading to development server
- Exercise
- Generating HTML from Photoshop
- Customizing code in JEdit
- Uploading, Testing on Development Server
- Reading:
- Envisioning Information, Micro/Macro Readings, Tufte
ASSIGNMENT: Finish Photo Essay Project.
Projects must be "live" on the Development Server at the beginning of Tuesday's class. We will be looking at each of them and you will not have time to work on them before they are due. Please sort out any issues beforehand.
Week 4, Tues.
Cascading Style Sheets, Introduction
- Exercise
- Using CSS
- Reading:
- HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide, 8 Cascading Style Sheets
- Envisioning Information, Layering and Separation, Tufte
ASSIGNMENT: Cascading Style Sheets
Recreate one page of your photo essay project using CSS.
Week 4, Thurs.
Cascading Style Sheets, Mashup
- Class
- CSS site example
- CSS Zen Garden - an example of what style sheets can do.
- Cascading Style Sheets Resources
- Boxes Everywhere
- Interactive Demo
- Explanation
- Remix Culture
- Larry Lessig at TED (video)
- All your base...(video)
- FenslerFilm G.I. Joe PSAs (#1) (#15)
- LOLcats - I can has...
- Exercise
- Brainstorm ideas for remix project.
- Reading:
- HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide, 8 Cascading Style Sheets
Generate new derivative work using material at your disposal. This may be photography, video, music, text etc. You may create new work or repurpose existing items.
The content is key. Technology is worthless if you have nothing to say. Think of something to make a statement about. Political / social commentary? Humor / irony? Internet meme? Observations? Introspection?
Focus on the content and consider ways to effectively present your project. You may think of a visual aesthetic for this persentation, however don't let technological issues influence your creativity at this point.
Week 5, Tues.
Mashup Projects, Dreamweaver Intro
- Class
- Review Mashup ideas
- Dreamweaver interface walkthrough
- Reading:
- Abode Help, Dreamweaver: "Creating Pages With CSS"
- Exercise
- Basic layout in Dreamweaver
Gather material for mashup project
Begin creative work.
Week 5, Thurs.
Mashup Projects, Dreamweaver
- Class
- Dreamweaver interface recap
- Using Dreamweaver templates
- Using CSS with Dreamweaver
- Check Mashup Project progress
- Exercise
- Work on projects
Continue creative work.
Sketch ideas for web presentation / interface. Think (and write) about what you would like the user experience to be. You will use this description as a guide for creating the site later.
Week 6, Tue.
- Class
- Rollover Recap
- Using Dreamweaver's "Manage Sites"
- Exercise
- Work on projects
Begin design work.
Realize sketches as photoshop interfaces.
Week 6, Thurs.
- Class
- Review Dreamweaver's "Manage Sites"
- Doing fancy stuff using behaviors
- Image Swap
- Open new window
- Pop-up message
- Exercise
- Redesign Journal Pages using CSS in Dreamweaver
- Work on interfaces
Create live interfaces from Photoshop sketches using Dreamweaver.
Assignment will be due after Spring Break, Thursday March 13th.
Week 7, Tues.
Embedding Media
- Class
- Review Dreamweaver's "Manage Sites"
- Embedding media using Dreamweaver
- Already covered images
- Sound files
- Video
- Export video as Quicktime movie
- Compress using Flash Video Encoder
- Flash 8 - Medium Quality (400 kbps)
- Resize to 320x240
- Display video using JW FLV Player
- Use the online configuration tool to generate the necessary HTML
- Example
- Using Flash Video
- Recommended Settings
- Exercise
- Finish Projects
Finish project. Upload to Development Server. Link from your class pages.
Assignment due next class, Thursday March 13th.
Week 7, Thurs.
- Class
- Mashup Projects Due.
Week 8, Tues.
"Where We Were" project
- Assignment:
- Our next project will explore the social/spacial aspects of the modern web, using geotagging to keep a visual log of our travels over the next few weeks. A Flickr account is mandatory, as is membership in our Web Media group on that site.
- You will be required to take a minimum of 5 photographs per day for the duration of the project. The subject of your photo series is at your discretion, however you should be sure to gather a representative sampling of your activities.
- Be sure to take notes about the location of the photos, and to geotag them daily. It is really much easier to tag a few at a time rather than a large batch later on. Your cameras may have GPS built in, which makes this process quite simple, however manual tagging is made relatively painless by using Flickr's mapping tool.
- Ultimately, we're going to investigate how our small social microcosm interacts spatially over the next few weeks. We may be right next to each other and never know it otherwise...
- Joining the Flickr "Web Media" group
- Uploading and geotagging photos.
- Viewing the tagged photos in Google Earth
Week 8, Thurs.
"Where We Were" project
- Mashups, redux:
- PennDOT Traffic Cameras (Google Maps)
- Flickr API
- retrievr - draw to find images
- montager - create photo mosaics
- Toys
- Other tools
- Spell with Flickr:
- Yahoo Pipes - Where We Were example
- Pipes video tutorial
- Take a few minutes to find other Mashups
- Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) allow programmers to retrieve and maniuplate data in creative ways.
- Continue to gather and tag photos for WWW project
- Brainstorm creative idea for manipulating our data
Week 9, Tues.
- Assignment:
- Redesign class pages (if you haven't as of yet)
- Student Art Show?
- Continue Where We Were photo assignment. Please remember to tag photos with "wherewewere", add location information and submit them to the "pda203" Flickr group
Week 10, Tues.
- Assignment:
- This is the final week of photographs for the www project. Make them count!
- Make sure that you've uploaded the appropriate number of entries. It will be easy to see how often they've been updated
- Create interesting concepts for the interface. I'll work on the programming if you can make it pretty. Think about the photos you've taken / could take. This doesn't need to be designed heavily - the content is enough - but it needs to be all wrapped up.
Week 10, Thurs.
- Critique WWW visualization ideas.
- Assignment:
- Work on WWW interfaces.
- Read "Envisioning Information", Chapter 6 "Narratives of Space and Time", pp. 97-119
Week 11, Tues.
- Discuss "Narratives of Space/Time"
- Show WWW interfaces
- Present initial final project brainstorming
- Lightbox - tutorial
- Assignment:
- Outline Final Project
Week 11, Thurs.
- Review final project ideas
- Decide name for final project
- Begin visualization of interface for final project
- Assignment:
- Gather materials for final project
Week 12, Tues.
- Work Session for final projects
- Example site: Matthieu Gafsou
- Example site: ICA Philadelphia
- Example site: Artclash
- Assignment:
- Assemble final project
Week 12, Thurs.
- Using Forms - basic way to get feedback from viewers. (presentation)
- However, you need to include a page to act on that submitted information. PHP will help here! (example form)
- Work Session for final projects
- Assignment:
- Continue on final project
Week 13, Tues.
- Work Session for final projects
- Get sites live on Development Server
- Assignment:
- Finish gathering materials / creating interface
- Begin testing final project
Week 13, Thurs.
- Work Session for final projects
- Assignment:
- Beta sites should be live by now and will be checked on in the next class.
- Finish any outstanding projects and upload to Development Server by next class
Week 14, Thurs.
- Final Projects Presentation