Month: February 2009

  • 1-2-10: Beyond desktop

    (Oh! Naiveté! A laypersons notes on revolutionizing UIX) 1. Tagging / metadata. – Non-hierarchal storage system. Mandatory (semi-automatic) tagging system. Tags used to enable following spatial recall / gestalt grouping / temporal arrangement. (Spotlight / Google Desktop Search / OpenMeta) 2. Portal – Extension of metaphor of cloud computing. device becomes access to cloud-based data. […]

  • Spatial Media: Traffic Flow

    Tangible interface for exploring local network traffic. The installation will be been designed to visualize the flow of information within a local area network. The goal is to make visible the invisible layer of information that comprises our information infrastructure which generally flows beneath a general level of awareness.

  • Thinking Physically: Brauswitch

    [Follow-up with a short video demonstration of it available here.] The Brauswtich is a digital switch to be worn on the forehead, just above the eyebrows. Raising one or both eyebrows will close the switch. There is a small gap between the upper and lower portions of the headband. It is made with a heavy […]

  • Thinking Physically: Affordance Treasure Hunt

    we embarked upon an affordance treasure hunt as an exercise for our thinking physically class. given a set of criteria we had to identify objects which satisfied the criteria for the indicated user set. i’m still anchoring my understanding of affordances, assisted by reading j.j. gibson’s introduction to the topic and donald norman’s discussion about […]

  • 1-2-10: Click Here

    Designing buttons for mobile devices. Each button has to evoke a word from a provided list. happy, angry, scared, fast, nervous, cute, dangerous, search, glamourous, full, skinny, noisy, painful, tiny, quiet, hot, cold, sexy, free, autumn, childish, breaking news

  • Spatial Media: Fivesies

    The couch is often prime space in a living room during social gatherings and securing a spot on it can be a priority. Eventually, the couch sitter will have to get up, to use the restroom, to get a drink or snacks, to take a phone call, etc.. “Calling fives” or “fivesies” declares your intention […]

  • Thinking Physically: {h}ears

    megaphones for ears. inspired by prince, tigre and penguin. i’ve always been a cat person. when i lived with my first cat i’d watch his ears swivel as he would listen to the sounds around us. sometimes i’d make quiet noises when he was looking away to see if he’d turn his ears toward me. […]