Category: Thinking Physically

  • Thinking Physically: BlindSight presentation

    This is the final project presentation of BlindSight for the ITP Thinking Physically class in Spring 2009. BlindSight is is a collaboration between Robert Carlsen and Andrew Styer. BlindSight aims to explore synesthesia by associating certain body positions with visual hallucinations induced by photic stimulation. In other words, flashing lights at various frequencies seems to […]

  • vision is highly overrated…

    This project aims to explore synesthesia by associating certain body positions with visual hallucinations induced by photic stimulation. In other words, flashing lights at various frequencies seems to cause visual patterns to appear for the viewer. Simple wearable sensors will adjust the frequency of the flashes and thus provide various patterns. Although the patterns may differ […]

  • Thinking Physically: ThinkBig

    Corey Menscher and I worked together on ThinkBig for the Whole Body Interface exercise in Thinking Physically. Corey had the basic idea of making soft switches which would be foot activated. Initially he was going to make three which you’d have to skip between.

  • Thinking Physically: FaceSpace

    Andrew Styer and I worked together to develop FaceSpace – a device which indicates the amount of space in front of the wearer in terms of Proxemic distance. It’s designed to be somewhat impractical, nearly completely obscuring your view and forcing reliance on the dial’s reading while walking around a space.

  • Thinking Physically: brauswitch demonstration

    Following up on the initial post about the brauswitch – the eyebrow activated headband switch. Here is some video with a simple application demonstrating it’s use. There are separate switches for both the left and right sides. The simple Arduino code listed below will indicate if the left, right or both sides have been activated. […]

  • Thinking Physically: Go away. (gesture)

    Designing a gesture. “The Expressive Body” by David Alberts describes movements and gestures at length. In it he writes: In terms of human interaction, physical behavior has five primary functions: (1) to express emotion; (2) to regulate interpersonal interactions; (3) to present one’s personality to others; (4) to convey interpersonal attitudes and relationships; (5) to […]

  • Thinking Physically: Dance Fever

    Under the close guidance of Anne Gridley from the Nature Theater of Oklahoma, our group (Mustafa, Andrew, DV and myself) were tasked with creating a dance of six moves whose choreography was determined by chance of a six-sided die. Each step is a single count. Each of the six moves we created were inspired by […]

  • Thinking Physically: Brauswitch

    [Follow-up with a short video demonstration of it available here.] The Brauswtich is a digital switch to be worn on the forehead, just above the eyebrows. Raising one or both eyebrows will close the switch. There is a small gap between the upper and lower portions of the headband. It is made with a heavy […]

  • Thinking Physically: Affordance Treasure Hunt

    we embarked upon an affordance treasure hunt as an exercise for our thinking physically class. given a set of criteria we had to identify objects which satisfied the criteria for the indicated user set. i’m still anchoring my understanding of affordances, assisted by reading j.j. gibson’s introduction to the topic and donald norman’s discussion about […]

  • Thinking Physically: {h}ears

    megaphones for ears. inspired by prince, tigre and penguin. i’ve always been a cat person. when i lived with my first cat i’d watch his ears swivel as he would listen to the sounds around us. sometimes i’d make quiet noises when he was looking away to see if he’d turn his ears toward me. […]

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