exploration: accounts of success and misadventure

  • Compiling Golden Cheetah with Twitter+OAuth

    Justin added a Twitter posting feature to Golden Cheetah a couple weeks ago. However, it used basic authentication, which Twitter has announced is going away in favor of OAuth only. So, after several more days of coding he did a bang up job of rolling in support using liboauth. Now, getting liboauth and it’s prerequisites […]

  • Mobile Logger – GPX extensions

    Rolling the extra logged sensor data into the GPX export took more effort that it should have…but I uncovered and fixed a latent bug in the export feature, so that’s a win right? Regardless, it’s was nice to use the new issue tracker at bugs.robertcarlsen.net for real(z) for the first time. I’m looking to get several […]

  • Mobile Logger GPX + GoogleEarth

    GPX export seems to be working, and imports fine into Google Earth. This is just a basic implementation of the essentials for a route; I’d really like to include other recorded sensors somehow into the track – maybe it could be a layer in Google Earth? Looking at the ride data here reveals just how […]

  • Mobile Logger – GPX

    Basic GPX export has been added to the github repo. That is all. http://github.com/rcarlsen/Mobile-Logger/commit/9e1dc73304de562c30e64fa9a9b61840e69963c3

  • Mobile Logger server down

    The mobile logger server seems to be having some trouble at the moment. I’m investigating the issue and will update this space when there’s news. In the meantime, I’d advice anyone having trouble logging to disable the Upload feature in the settings. Thanks for patience! UPDATE: It looks like the server is back online. 12:09 […]

  • Gone global (again)

    Thanks to a (very flattering) mention of my thesis project on Gizmodo after the ITP Spring Show, the use of Mobile Logger has quadrupled in the past two days. I had been watching the number of unique users rise on the Dashboard page, currently near 800…but then wondered what that would look like animated over […]

  • Riding Through Mountains (of Data)

    (Here is the documentation for my thesis project at NYU’s Interactive Telecommunications Program. PDF version here.) Riding through Mountains of Data: Visualizations of Cycling Robert Carlsen Interactive Telecommunications Program Tisch School of the Arts New York University Abstract This project attempts to describe the cycling experiences of several riders in New York City through a […]

  • Playing with matches…and Cinder

    Late last week The Barbarian Group released Cinder, their previously in-house C++ framework (codenamed Flint). I’d heard about it through Robert Hodgin’s blog posts / experiments, and again this past winter when Andrew from TBG spoke with me about my ITP Show Project, seismi{c}ycling, which was created in openFrameworks. It’s been released under a permissive […]

  • Mobile Logger has gone global

    The Mobile Logger application has been public for a couple of weeks and has (surprisingly, to me) been used in every continent, save Antarctica. I first noticed several events in the database from Australia, then the UK. I was mostly catching these events by coincidence when I was looking over my own data and wondered […]

  • Earth Day + Mobile Logger

    Thursday, April 22nd is Earth Day. The weather is looking to be sunny and 65 degrees in New York City. Sounds like a perfect day to ride your bike (or walk, run or whatever you like to do outside). Since you’re already going to be out there, why not log the trip, help me with […]

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