Tag: code

  • C10CK modes

    It’s been a long time in the works. I’ve wanted to add modes to my binary clock app since the initial planning. Figuring out the interaction design for changing modes and setting the time while honoring the simple UI took some work. I’m not sure if I’ve got the mode switching quite right, but I’m […]

  • moar Fusion!

    Fusion Tables is neat. Google describes it as ‘an experimental data visualization web application to gather, visualize, and share larger data tables’. Last year I tried out their API which was mostly based on sending SQL statements to create and manipulate tables. Recently, I looked at Fusion Tables again as part of an imminent upgrade […]

  • (binary) C10CK app in App Store!

    My second (personal) iPhone app, C10CK, is now available in the App Store. It is a clock which displays time using binary notation – the same way everything is (eventually) stored in a digital computer. I’ve been using a binary clock since a staff member of ITP passed this past year and several alumni recalled […]

  • Hello Fun-A-Day 7!

    For this year’s Philadelphia Fun-A-Day project I decided to write “Hello World” programs. “Hello World” is a traditional programming tradition where a programmer encountering a new language writes a trivial program which displays the phrase “Hello World”. This introduces the programmer to the basic syntax of the language and demonstrates that their development environment is […]

  • Mobile Logger – GPX extensions

    Rolling the extra logged sensor data into the GPX export took more effort that it should have…but I uncovered and fixed a latent bug in the export feature, so that’s a win right? Regardless, it’s was nice to use the new issue tracker at bugs.robertcarlsen.net for real(z) for the first time. I’m looking to get several […]

  • Parsing foursquare KML files

    We’re using Foursquare as a data logger for one of our assignments in the Telling Stories with Sensors, Data and Humans class at ITP. As an aid to begin understanding the relationships between venues for our tracks, it’s helpful to munge the KML into CSV so it can be plotted and played with in a spreadsheet, […]

  • (overly simplistic) saving state in oF for iPhone

    There was a recent comment about saving / restoring application state when using openFrameworks for iPhone which got me to thinking about how to do it. Apple’s frameworks provide a fairly thorough way to save state to the disk and restore later. There seem to be three primary ways to do this: simple plist files […]

  • Simple things feel so good. (warning: geekery)

    Toggle an integer variable between 0 and 1. Useful for a flag to control program flow in C without boolean types. toggleVar = 1>>toggleVar; What this is doing is right shifting the integer 1 either zero or one place, depending on the current value of toggleVar. An 8-bit (unsigned – positive values only) integer has […]