Tag: dev

  • (binary) C10CK app in App Store!

    My second (personal) iPhone app, C10CK, is now available in the App Store. It is a clock which displays time using binary notation – the same way everything is (eventually) stored in a digital computer. I’ve been using a binary clock since a staff member of ITP passed this past year and several alumni recalled […]

  • Compiling tesseract v3 for iPhone

    Update 2: Before using the script, ensure that you can build tesseract for your host system normally. Also, I only tested the script with the v3 release of tesseract, not svn HEAD. If you get build errors, please try with rev 498. Update: The script has been updated, thanks mostly to the prompting of fopen2003 […]

  • Mobile Logger progress

    I’ve been working sporadically on the app, trying to get the next release out the door. Currently, the last feature holding up release is the post log upload…there are intermittent timeouts occurring and I’d like to determine if there is a lightweight way to mitigate them. This upcoming release will likely change the “real-time” uploading […]

  • Compiling Golden Cheetah with Twitter+OAuth

    Justin added a Twitter posting feature to Golden Cheetah a couple weeks ago. However, it used basic authentication, which Twitter has announced is going away in favor of OAuth only. So, after several more days of coding he did a bang up job of rolling in support using liboauth. Now, getting liboauth and it’s prerequisites […]

  • Mobile Logger – GPX extensions

    Rolling the extra logged sensor data into the GPX export took more effort that it should have…but I uncovered and fixed a latent bug in the export feature, so that’s a win right? Regardless, it’s was nice to use the new issue tracker at bugs.robertcarlsen.net for real(z) for the first time. I’m looking to get several […]

  • Mobile Logger GPX + GoogleEarth

    GPX export seems to be working, and imports fine into Google Earth. This is just a basic implementation of the essentials for a route; I’d really like to include other recorded sensors somehow into the track – maybe it could be a layer in Google Earth? Looking at the ride data here reveals just how […]

  • Mobile Logger – GPX

    Basic GPX export has been added to the github repo. That is all. http://github.com/rcarlsen/Mobile-Logger/commit/9e1dc73304de562c30e64fa9a9b61840e69963c3

  • Golden Cheetah 1.2.0rc1

    Golden Cheetah is about to release a new version. There have been extensive updates…some great, unique new features for analyzing cycling power training data. The full feature list will be announced with the official release. In brief: direct SRM download colorized power zones in plots altitude (from supported files) WKO file support (including bulk import) […]

  • Summer time: BeachBall

    The BeachBall app has been submitted to the iPhone App Store. I’m pretty sure that I’ve crossed all the t’s and dotted the i’s throughout the application and am holding out hope for a smooth process. If all goes well it will be a great surprise just before the next semester kicks off. Thanks to […]

  • PinwheelBeta – adhoc

    In preparation of submitting Pinwheel to the App Store I’ve gone and released a beta version via ad hoc distribution. Seems like it should be a straightforward prospect, however the various device provisioning, code signing profiles and entitlements made it a bit of a process for a first-timer. iTunes also seems to be entirely unhelpful […]

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