
In reaction to seeing my research on the cycling proximity project Jane sent me some really interesting information about Edward Hall and his work on Proxemics. I’m still reading up on the concept, but in brief it pertains to the study of space that individuals maintain in various social interactions and specifically how several cultures maintain different norms.

Here is an update to the proximity visualization application incorporating the 4 Proxemic distance classifications of Intimate, Personal, Social and Public. I’m hoping to show that while riding a bicycle in traffic riders experience frequent intrusions by vehicles into the Personal space. The haptic feedback device that is being devised for the CycleSense project will transpose the events in Social and Personal space to the Intimate space to provide an immediate awareness of these intrusions that generally go unseen as they occur behind the rider.

The next HUGE challenge is to refine the rangefinder sensor package, which I’ve never been able to get completely reliable.


One response to “space”

  1. […] the graphing application was certainly useful in tuning the system, it was confusing for viewers to understand. I […]

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