home again

Back home now, and realize just how much stuff we have. Now that we have an idea of the space we’re moving into we (I) have to dispose of many of my things. Some of it will be relatively easy – the junk that I collect because it MIGHT be useful one day. Harder will be the old things and old work that can’t be replaced.

I’m sifting through my old gear from the studio to see what still retains resale value. Hopefully a BetaSP recorder is still useful to someone…

I’m in a weird space, between the excitement of a new experience and the lament for things coming to an end. I’m reminded of the December 1999 cover of Wired magazine (or was it January 2000) which has a cover photograph of a winged figure leaping off a cliff with the caption “here we go…” I liked that cover.







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