
I’ve lately been interested in projects involving tangible interfaces and wearable computing. Many of these projects were developed during coursework at the Interactive Telecommunications Program.


BlindSight aims to explore synesthesia by associating certain body positions with visual hallucinations induced by photic stimulation. In other words, flashing lights at various frequencies seems to cause visual patterns to appear for the viewer. Simple wearable sensors will adjust the frequency of the flashes and thus provide various patterns.

Blocky Talkies

A series of semi-squishy silicone shapes that glow pleasantly in different colors that change according to their orientation and proximity to each other intended as a visualization of action at a distance.

Cloud Reader

Cloud Reader creates a generative animation of text passages, determining an appropriate cadence using word length, punctuation and line endings. The words initially appear in a jumbled, wafting cloud until each of them, in turn, zoom forward towards the reader, displayed as originally written. is a multi-modal service based on the Cloud Reader text visualization software.


TrafficFlow is an installation-based table which visualizes wireless traffic on a local network as gracefully flowing rivers of light. It is a collaborative project between Ameya Mhatre and myself created for our midterm project in the Spring 2009 Spatial Media class at ITP.

Twitter Geo Mashup

This project mashes up status updates to the Twitter short messaging service with data from a GPS device to plot the location of individual Tweets on Google Maps or in Google Earth.

Philly Mosaic Mirror

Philly Mosaic Mirror is a projection-installation which was created for the 2005 Fun-a-Day project organized by the Philadelphia-based Artclash Collective. It depicts viewers’ faces as a real-time photo mosaic comprised of a selection from approximately 2000 snapshot photographs taken around Philadelphia over the course of the preceding January.

Look Out Below!

What started as a quick joke became a fun project. From the project page:

Sometimes it seems as though a bird has taken aim at me when I’ve been hit by their droppings while walking along. What if they are? What if YOU were that bird and you ARE aiming at folks?

Take on the role of a bird and try to hit hapless passersby. See if you can lead them just right to score a direct hit!

We’re still looking to deploy the actual event/game…looking for a good roof.


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