Golden Cheetah

Update: Golden Cheetah is now releasing official Windows versions  at

Here you’ll find the beta version of Golden Cheetah, compiled for Windows. This has been built from the current SVN code r249, and has all the features of that version. It is the first build of Golden Cheetah for Windows so please be kind if you find bugs, but feel free to report them to the Golden Cheetah mailing list.

At this time, Golden Cheetah for Windows only supports direct downloading from the PowerTap using the USB cradle. Ride files from SRM, Ergomo and Garmin devices may be imported, as can CSV files exported from WKO+.

Documentation about Golden Cheetah’s features can be found at, although that is primarily tailored to Linux/Mac users. Further documentation for new features is forthcoming. Installation for Windows is as simple as uncompressing the downloaded zip archive and placing the Golden Cheetah folder somewhere convenient. Please keep GoldenCheetah.exe and the .dll files together.

In order to download from the PowerTap you’ll have to ensure that the drivers for the USB cradle are installed. This will have already been done if you’ve installed the latest version of PowerAgent (ver. 7). Otherwise, the appropriate drivers are available directly from FTDI (the manufacturer of the chip inside the USB cradle) at their download page. GoldenCheetah, PowerAgent 7 and WKO+ should all happily coexist.

Special thanks to Justin Knotzke for getting the Windows build process figured out and Sean Rhea for separating out the Mac/Linux specific download code (and for GC at-large) as well as all the other developers who have contributed various bits to get us this far.

Good luck, and thank you for testing!

Download: goldencheetah_win32_beta


One response to “Golden Cheetah”

  1. […]  We also hope to finally release a Windows version. One has been available for quite some time, we just never got around to putting it up on  GC’s […]

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