Habitual music / sound survey

1) Approximately how many of your waking hours each day are you listening to music? Of that number of hours, how much of the time is music you’ve chosen to listen to, and how much time is it music from speakers in a store, cafe, friend’s room, etc.?

I’ll have to measure, but I’m usually listening to my own music, either via portable device or speaker system (at home). Incidental will vary more as I don’t regularly go to shops et al, but may find myself out on a whim.

2) How much time each day do you spend listening specificially to a personal sound device of one sort or another? And how much of the time when you’ve got headphones on or earbuds in are you using the music to block out other sound like subways or something else you find annoying?

Much of the time. It happens often on the ITP floor when I need to get work done. When commuting by bicycle I generally avoid listening to music as I need to hear traffic, however when I’m on a long training ride I’ll keep it playing at a reasonably low level so I can still hear traffic.

3) How much time a week do you spend listening to music, either through a personal sound device or at a club/concert venue, which you feel could be loud enough to cause damage to your hearing?

Varies…I haven’t been to a show in a while. I do wear ear plugs at loud venues. When wearing headphones I do enjoy louder music, but have been consciously keeping the level down to just enough to block out unwanted noise. In a car I often listen to music too loudly.

4) How often in an average day, or week, do you spend actively seeking out silence? And how successful are you at finding a silent space if you do go looking for one?

I don’t often seek out silence…although I generally take note of it – rather, taking note of the absence of noise.

5) Do you think that the balance between sound and silence in your world is where you’d like it to be? Or would you like to change it toward more or less sound?

Haven’t thought about this balance. Silence only causes me to notice my tinnitus (however faint).

6) What’s the most powerful experience of silence you’ve ever had?






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