Category: video

  • OCR on iPhone demo

    Update: Source code for demo project released. i finally got around to building a proof of concept implementation of tesseract-ocr for the iPhone. months ago, i documented the steps which helped to get the library cross-compiled for the iPhone’s ARM processor, and how to build a fat library for use with the simulator as well. […]

  • openFrameworks + iPhone

    I’ve heard about openFrameworks 0.6 (as of yet unreleased) and specifically efforts to support building apps using oF for the iPhone. There are a few developers who have published videos of their efforts and even several apps in the AppStore. Memo Atken has a very informative article about setting up the prerelease 0.6 version for […]

  • Fun-A-Day 4

    The fourth annual fun-a-day show was last night at Studio 34 Yoga in West Philadelphia. As always, it was a mad rush to get ready, a blur of an evening then an exhausted aftermath. Here’s what it looked like compressed to 30 seconds. Get the Flash Player to see this content.

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