Tag: c++

  • ofxiPhoneAlertView

    Here is a (really) basic wrapper for the UIAlertView in openFrameworks of iPhone. Not all of the necessary delegate methods have been implemented yet, but this is enough for me to get the proof of concept rolling in an app I’m building. Feel free to let me know how I can do things better, or […]

  • Toy Design: Talking Blocks sketches

    Alex and I have been developing the plans for the blocks in preparation for building the prototypes in the next week. For this, I built the community edition of QCad (open source FTW!) and have been teaching myself how to draw with it. There was a bit of a learning curve to the interface and […]

  • openFrameworks + iPhone libs

    I’ve had a few days to test the libraries I cobbled together for using openFrameworks with iPhone and also received positive reports from some folks who tried out the Makefiles I provided to them, so here they are for anyone who’s willing to try them out. -please make these instructions better if you see fit-

  • openFrameworks + iPhone

    I’ve heard about openFrameworks 0.6 (as of yet unreleased) and specifically efforts to support building apps using oF for the iPhone. There are a few developers who have published videos of their efforts and even several apps in the AppStore. Memo Atken has a very informative article about setting up the prerelease 0.6 version for […]

  • Spatial Media: Camera Coding

    Assignment 2(b): Make an app that allows you to get a single pixel color from live video and fill a rectangle with that color. I’ve done similar things countless times in Processing (and Director before that), so I used this as an opportunity to dive into openFrameworks. I have been building up my experience of […]

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