Tag: development
Sinatra + Kara == qwerty animals
Yesterday I released a small web app; it was my first using the Sinatra microframework for Ruby: http://qwerty.robertcarlsen.net The app arranges illustrations of animals wearing lettered t-shirts to create user-supplied messages. Kara Schlindwein created the illustrations as part of her project for the 6th Annual Fun-a-Day project in Philadelphia, and I wrote the first draft of […]
OCR on iPhone demo
Update: Source code for demo project released. i finally got around to building a proof of concept implementation of tesseract-ocr for the iPhone. months ago, i documented the steps which helped to get the library cross-compiled for the iPhone’s ARM processor, and how to build a fat library for use with the simulator as well. […]
i recently switched to Coda for web development. now, i don’t do much web dev any longer…mostly for myself (as evidenced my this latest overhaul of robertcarlsen.net – which amounts to theme hacking, really). i never had a problem with tabbing through several programs to get the job done, but i like Panic’s style. the […]
openFrameworks + iPhone libs
I’ve had a few days to test the libraries I cobbled together for using openFrameworks with iPhone and also received positive reports from some folks who tried out the Makefiles I provided to them, so here they are for anyone who’s willing to try them out. -please make these instructions better if you see fit-
iPhone pinwheel: 4in4 day two
the iphone is missing one of my most beloved relics of os x…the pinwheel, aka beachball of doom/death. i wanted to experiment with using the core graphics framework to draw to the screen and create animation and this was an interesting experience. the animation is too slow currently…i feel that i’m doing things in a […]
my first iphone app :)
(i was going for a fisher-price approach with the title…) regardless, i’ve finally gotten around to iPhone development. my developer account was approved last week, and apple happily took my $99 in exchange for slightly greater access to their website and an application code signing certificate. in preparation, i’ve been reading the requisite docs on […]