Tag: interface

  • 1-2-10: Cloud Reader interface comps

    The first web interface wireframes for Cloud Reader. Overall comments: too busy, too complicated for what is supposed to be a simple service. Good advice, back to the sketching.

  • 1-2-10: Interfaces research

    I’m running a linux-based home theater pc (HTPC for the uninitiated). Originally the user interface was solely MythTV, but lately I’ve been trying out XBMC, Boxee for media management as well asvarious fullscreen web apps (Hulu, NY Times Reader, Netflix WatchNow, Adobe TourTracker) to see what does and doesn’t work from ten feet away. MythTV, […]

  • Spatial Media: Kitchen Interface

    Spatial Media looks to be an interesting topic. One thing that I could really take away from Jared’s first presentation was: “It’s about context in space. It’s about information – all information has a space. Conversely, all places have information.” Assignment 1: The Kitchen What is the context of a kitchen? How do people really […]