Tag: programming

  • Thinking Physically: brauswitch demonstration

    Following up on the initial post about the brauswitch – the eyebrow activated headband switch. Here is some video with a simple application demonstrating it’s use. There are separate switches for both the left and right sides. The simple Arduino code listed below will indicate if the left, right or both sides have been activated. […]

  • Spatial Media: Camera Coding

    Assignment 2(b): Make an app that allows you to get a single pixel color from live video and fill a rectangle with that color. I’ve done similar things countless times in Processing (and Director before that), so I used this as an opportunity to dive into openFrameworks. I have been building up my experience of […]

  • (Signal to) Noise meter + Mail

    (ITP 4-in-4 day 4+1, or how i learned to stop worrying and love blowing deadlines) to complete the signal to noise meter previously posted i wrote up an apple script which calculates a ratio of messages in my mail inbox to the junk messages which have been caught. the apple script then sends that ratio […]

  • (Signal to) Noise meter, ITP 4in4, day 4

    For today’s project I wanted to do something with the analog decibel meter that Tymm gave me on day one. My idea is to calculate some kind of signal to noise ratio in my email inbox and to display the value on this physical meter. Since I already get a lot of noise in there, […]

  • pinwheel, pinwheel…spinning around…

    …look at my pinwheel and see what i’ve found. here’s the promised update to the earlier pinwheel post with a video of it in action. this is just a demo of the animation, i’d like to work more on the compositing and to add some user interaction. i’d like to perhaps have a user blow […]

  • iPhone pinwheel: 4in4 day two

    the iphone is missing one of my most beloved relics of os x…the pinwheel, aka beachball of doom/death. i wanted to experiment with using the core graphics framework to draw to the screen and create animation and this was an interesting experience. the animation is too slow currently…i feel that i’m doing things in a […]

  • Meggy pixel video display. 4-in-4, day one.

    Spent most of the day at Tymm’s house, pretending to participate in 4-in-4, but mostly drinking coffee and watching videos. I did eventually get around to tinkering with my new Meggy Jr RGB from Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories. The Meggy is a pixel game platform built around a vivid 8×8 LED matrix running an Arduino […]

  • my first iphone app :)

    (i was going for a fisher-price approach with the title…) regardless, i’ve finally gotten around to iPhone development. my developer account was approved last week, and apple happily took my $99 in exchange for slightly greater access to their website and an application code signing certificate. in preparation, i’ve been reading the requisite docs on […]

  • Golden Cheetah 1.0.277 released!

    Golden Cheetah 1.0.277 released!

  • qmake / xcode bug

    super annoying…Qt advertises that you can make an xcode project file using qmake to enable native development on mac…i had never been able to get the golden cheetah project working in this way, even after following what little documentation i could find. each time i’d run “qmake -spec macx-xcode” would result in a non-parseable xcodeproj […]

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