Tag: software

  • moar Fusion!

    Fusion Tables is neat. Google describes it as ‘an experimental data visualization web application to gather, visualize, and share larger data tables’. Last year I tried out their API which was mostly based on sending SQL statements to create and manipulate tables. Recently, I looked at Fusion Tables again as part of an imminent upgrade […]

  • Arduino in Eclipse

    This tutorial describes how to set up Eclipse for Arduino (AVR) C/C++ development. Eclipse is a full-featured Integrated Development Environment with modern editor features such as syntax highlighting, code completion and error checking. I became interested in using Eclipse for Arduino development as I’m often simultaneously developing firmware for the chip and visualization software in […]

  • openFrameworks + iPhone libs

    I’ve had a few days to test the libraries I cobbled together for using openFrameworks with iPhone and also received positive reports from some folks who tried out the Makefiles I provided to them, so here they are for anyone who’s willing to try them out. -please make these instructions better if you see fit-

  • Golden Cheetah 1.0.277 released!

    Golden Cheetah 1.0.277 released!

  • success!

    finally got the iBike CSV file support added to Golden Cheetah. the issue revolved around line endings on the iBike file that a user supplied. the file had CR (old-style Macintosh) line endings, and QTextStream::readLine() doesn’t honor them…reading the entire file at once. the solution was pretty simple: use readLine() THEN split(‘\r’) and loop through […]

  • I Like Math…

    …which doesn’t mean that I understand it. However, it does seem to have the uncanny ability to predict how some things will behave and certainly can make come cool looking stuff. Expanding on the spirographs from the other day, here’s a modified version which will iterate through a range of .1-10.0 for r and R. […]

  • Oh! The Places You’ll Go…

    I was messing around with generative drawing for the Processing class I’m teaching…and started playing with spirographs (my bigger brain, ie. Google and Wikipedia, reveals that they are called hypotrochoids). The algorithms are quite simple: x = (R – r) * cos(theta) + d * cos((((R-r)/r)*theta)); y = (R – r) * sin(theta) – d […]

  • More features

    I noticed a thread on the Wattage forum that mentioned a new format for Ergomo CSV files. The poster also mentioned that they hadn’t used Golden Cheetah because they thought it was for Linux only. Anyway, I got a copy of an Ergomo CSV file and got to work on making GC. It was pretty […]

  • Universal!

    Golden Cheetah is universal! (i hope) I spent most of the evening setting up my development environment to get Golden Cheetah to compile as a universal OS X application. This would be made easier if I actually knew what I was doing. In the end, I recompiled Qt4.3.1 and QWT5.0.2 as universal before I could […]

  • Almost there…

    Golden Cheetah is on the verge of a new release. Sean’s committed Justin and my changes for BikeScore and metric/english preference into the svn trunk. I’ve cleaned up some of the user interface and have compiled an OS X Intel version. More importantly, we now have a desktop icon for the application under OS X…it’s […]

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