after a couple of late nights, i have a proof-of-concept in the real-time cycling-related datalogging. the reasons behind the project are still getting sorted, but lately my interest in ubiquitous urban sensor networks has been piqued and this is a tentative exploration in that area. sensors don’t have to remain static as part of physical infrastructure…millions of people are carrying millions of sensors around with them daily.
an iPhone application records accelerometer data at anywhere from 1-40Hz (arbitrary rate) which is geocoded using core location (including heading, altitude, and location). every second the most recent sample is uploaded to a server running couchDB. after a ride, the full-resolution file can be e-mailed or uploaded to the server. for the proof-of-concept the data is being plotted on a dynamic Google Map.
in the immediate future i’ll be adding live updating of the map via ajax or some other web sumthin’ dot oh technology.
longer term is to build out similar applications for android and symbian (or maybe just j2me if it’s feasible). i’m also planning on getting back to the ardunio-based sensor packages which started the project.
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