Tag: nyc

  • Riding Through Mountains (of Data)

    (Here is the documentation for my thesis project at NYU’s Interactive Telecommunications Program. PDF version here.) Riding through Mountains of Data: Visualizations of Cycling Robert Carlsen Interactive Telecommunications Program Tisch School of the Arts New York University Abstract This project attempts to describe the cycling experiences of several riders in New York City through a […]

  • Earth Day + Mobile Logger

    Thursday, April 22nd is Earth Day. The weather is looking to be sunny and 65 degrees in New York City. Sounds like a perfect day to ride your bike (or walk, run or whatever you like to do outside). Since you’re already going to be out there, why not log the trip, help me with […]

  • it’s real (time) !

    after a couple of late nights, i have a proof-of-concept in the real-time cycling-related datalogging. the reasons behind the project are still getting sorted, but lately my interest in ubiquitous urban sensor networks has been piqued and this is a tentative exploration in that area. sensors don’t have to remain static as part of physical […]

  • openFrameworks knitting circle

    Had a really nice time tonight at the oF knitting circle held at Parsons in NYC. Saw several really inspiring projects and spoke to several people about using openFrameworks for iPhone development and showed the current version of the particle game using ofxiPhoneAlertView. Quite a few folks mentioned that they have become interested in openFrameworks […]

  • BarCampNYC4 presentation

    BarCampNYC4 was hosted by ITP on May 30-31st. It was a great event – I’d highly recommend going to another one. I did a presentation titled “Using openFrameworks for iPhone App Development” which I think went well, although it was quite dense. Can’t be helped, I suppose. The walk-through of getting set up with openFrameworks […]

  • meggy! MEGGY! (and nyc resistor)

    nyc resistor had one of their craft nights last evening, where they invite folks to come in to work on just about anything “so you don’t have to make stuff by yourself.” i had been missing my community fix now that ITP is on winter break, so heading over there to assemble my new meggy […]

  • Visualizing (proxemic) space

    In conducting research for the CycleSense bicycle traffic proximity system I gathered data about the amount of space behind a bicycle rider traveling through typical New York City traffic at various times and locations. The initial visualization of this data was to graph the distances over time to look for specific events that the system […]

  • ITP Winter Show 2008

    This evening is the first night of the 2008 Winter Show at ITP. My Cloud Reader project has been included, and I’ll be attending to it each night in the main hallway – surrounded by other really interesting work. The atmosphere on the floor last night was energized…almost like a festival. I’m excited for the […]

  • elmo hacking

    this saturday i participated in the elmo hacking workshop at eyebeam. adrianne wortzel , a resident at eyebeam, has a project which involves synchronizing the movements of 50 tickle-me elmos. mike gazes and soyoung park realized adrianne’s idea by reverse engineering the elmo’s and creating a new control unit based around an atmel atmega168, using […]

  • M5 Bus : Mashup

    I’ve wanted to try another geocode mashup since the Where We Were project I ran at Moore College. I recently picked up a GPS unit, which got me thinking about it anew. For the M5 Bus trip assignment for our Applications class I worked up a mix of Twitter, GPS location, digital photos and Google […]

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