Month: August 2010

  • Mobile Logger – DB export and zip compression

    Got two new features rolled into Mobile Logger at once…raw database export and zip compression. This sounds exciting, right?! Actually, it’s pretty cool and useful. Some of these new export formats (GC and GPX, I’m looking at you) are XML-based and thus quite verbose. What was a manageably small CSV file or JSON string has […]

  • Compiling Golden Cheetah with Twitter+OAuth

    Justin added a Twitter posting feature to Golden Cheetah a couple weeks ago. However, it used basic authentication, which Twitter has announced is going away in favor of OAuth only. So, after several more days of coding he did a bang up job of rolling in support using liboauth. Now, getting liboauth and it’s prerequisites […]

  • Mobile Logger – GPX extensions

    Rolling the extra logged sensor data into the GPX export took more effort that it should have…but I uncovered and fixed a latent bug in the export feature, so that’s a win right? Regardless, it’s was nice to use the new issue tracker atĀ for real(z) for the first time. I’m looking to get several […]