Compiling Golden Cheetah with Twitter+OAuth

Screen shot 2010-08-12 at 22.01.08Justin added a Twitter posting feature to Golden Cheetah a couple weeks ago. However, it used basic authentication, which Twitter has announced is going away in favor of OAuth only. So, after several more days of coding he did a bang up job of rolling in support using liboauth.

Now, getting liboauth and it’s prerequisites configured to play nicely with my Golden Cheetah dev environment has been another struggle. I have been making the OS X releases of Golden Cheetah for a while – and we package them as a universal binary (i386/ppc) with 10.4 support. I’ve had to custom compile Qt, QWT, srmio and all that stuff to enable this.

In brief, liboauth needed to be compiled against the same arch that GC and co. have been, and it really wanted to go native, eg x86_64 on my MacBook Pro. After a night and day of tinkering…here’s what worked. Thanks to Justin for getting this going.

Export config flags (just makes life easier on the command line):

export CFLAGS=-mmacosx-version-min=10.4
export CPPFLAGS=-mmacosx-version-min=10.4

openssl 1.0.0a:

./config -m32

liboauth 0.8.8 / curl 7.21.1:

./configure CC="gcc -arch i386" CXX="g++ -arch i386" -host i386

Golden Cheetah:

After getting linker errors for a while, I realized that I had to directly link to the static version of libcrypto that was installed alongside libssl in /usr/local/ssl.

Undefined symbols:
  "_EVP_MD_size", referenced from:
      _oauth_body_hash_file in liboauth.a(liboauth_la-hash.o)
      _oauth_body_hash_data in liboauth.a(liboauth_la-hash.o)
ld: symbol(s) not found

Here’s the relevant bit of

LIBS += /usr/local/ssl/lib/libcrypto.a
LIBS +=  $${LIBOAUTH_INSTALL}/lib/liboauth.a
LIBS += -lz
LIBS += -lcurl
SOURCES += TwitterDialog.cpp
HEADERS += TwitterDialog.h





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