Tag: os x

  • Compiling Golden Cheetah with Twitter+OAuth

    Justin added a Twitter posting feature to Golden Cheetah a couple weeks ago. However, it used basic authentication, which Twitter has announced is going away in favor of OAuth only. So, after several more days of coding he did a bang up job of rolling in support using liboauth. Now, getting liboauth and it’s prerequisites […]

  • git outta here…

    I’m switching my Source Control Management Ā software to git. Performance has been great, I’m learning to branch and merge with wild abandon and philosophically it’s right on (what with the distributed model and all). Creating a new remote repository on my private server was *almost* too easy. The one snafu was getting sshd to include […]

  • OS X Leopard’s Alex text-to-speech…breathing?

    Maybe this is old news…but it was a surprise to me when I thought I heard the (relatively) new Alex voice inhaling when speaking some text. Try it out yourself, using TextEdit (spelled to aid pronunciation): This is a test. Didd I juhst take a breath? (Yes, I will). I hope so, I really need […]

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