exploration: accounts of success and misadventure

  • Mobile Logger on the App Store!

    After several rounds of rejection, Mobile Logger has been accepted and is available on the App Store! Feel free to try it out; hopefully some folks will find it useful. The source code for the application has been released under the GPL and is available on github. I’m still actively recruiting participants for my ongoing […]

  • …here goes nothing. Mobile Logger submitted.

    Just submitted MobileLogger to the AppStore. Hoping this goes smoothly given my tight schedule for thesis. For reference, when there are multiple versions of Xcode / iPhone SDK, specifically a beta version alongside the release version, and using xcodebuild command…explicitly set the xcode path to the release version or the application may be built against […]

  • Calling NYC cyclists!

    I’m looking for some beta testers for my iPhone data logger application. I’m specifically soliciting bicycle riders to record their rides around New York City in support of my thesis research involving visualizing the cyclist experience. This is a proof-of-concept exploration in what a ubiquitous mobile sensor network could possibly look like, using existing technology […]

  • Thesis Proposal – Draft

    Thesis Proposal Title Where do we go now? Thesis Statement I will create a series of visualizations attempting to decipher the experiences of a large group of cyclists in New York City. The project has two principle components: data collection and analysis / visualization. Personal Statement Riding a bicycle provides me with a sense of […]

  • Golden Cheetah featured on nyvelocity.com

    Golden Cheetah has gotten a really nice write-up on the “bike racing, news and events” site nyvelocity.com. The article was featured on the front page for a time, sporting the brand new icon from Dan Schmalz. A couple of weeks ago I sat down with Andy Shen over lunch and discussed the project, it’s developer community […]

  • Close to Home

    Our assignment last week was to use Foursquare to log our daily travels. This week, we were asked to use a classmate’s Foursquare check-in history as the source of our visualizations. I was given Bryan Lence’s data and set off to see what was there. Over the past few weeks I’ve been teaching myself the R […]

  • LEITv: Fly or Pie show

    This assignment was to develop a concept around a two-screen, live event experience; specifically, using TV and computer via internet. Our group’s concept was a variety-style, Gong Show inspired show with binary voting from viewers to determine via aggregate whether a performance was Fly (a rousing success) or Pie (a miserable failure) which received a […]

  • Parsing foursquare KML files

    We’re using Foursquare as a data logger for one of our assignments in the Telling Stories with Sensors, Data and Humans class at ITP. As an aid to begin understanding the relationships between venues for our tracks, it’s helpful to munge the KML into CSV so it can be plotted and played with in a spreadsheet, […]

  • Sinatra + Kara == qwerty animals

    Yesterday I released a small web app; it was my first using the Sinatra microframework for Ruby: http://qwerty.robertcarlsen.net The app arranges illustrations of animals wearing lettered t-shirts to create user-supplied messages. Kara Schlindwein created the illustrations as part of her project for the 6th Annual Fun-a-Day project in Philadelphia, and I wrote the first draft of […]

  • …of course i was logging

    I fractured my ankle in a hard snowboard crash a couple of weeks ago and of course I was data logging the accelerometer forces. I was using the iPhone app developed last fall for the seismi{c}ycling project; while riding the phone was in my jacket’s internal chest pocket. A group from ITP was enjoying the […]

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