exploration: accounts of success and misadventure

  • OCR for iPhone source

    The source code for the Tesseract OCR for iPhone project has been published. It’s really simple – more of a skeleton, proof-of-concept project than anything else. Still, though, it’s neat to have nearly point-and-shoot text conversion in your pocket. The project page is: Pocket OCR The source code is available at github: http://github.com/rcarlsen/Pocket-OCR There is […]

  • ITP Winter Show 2009

    The 2009 ITP Winter Show is Sunday and Monday, December 20–21. The first visualization of my ongoing bicycle data logging project is on display under the title “seismi{c}ycling“. This visualization traces the routes I rode throughout the fall, highlighting big bumps. Areas of New York which caused me to experience lots of bumps begin to glow […]

  • OCR on iPhone demo

    Update: Source code for demo project released. i finally got around to building a proof of concept implementation of tesseract-ocr for the iPhone. months ago, i documented the steps which helped to get the library cross-compiled for the iPhone’s ARM processor, and how to build a fat library for use with the simulator as well. […]

  • motivations: karma

    [written for Media Economics & Participation at ITP] Slashdot users are seeking karma. However, gaining positive karma at Slashdot is just a means to an end; Slashdot users are seeking (limited) power and status among their peers in the form of fleeting moderator access for the vibrant comments component of the highly active, technology-focused news […]

  • bicycle of you…

    Initial presentation of my final project for the Rest of You class at ITP. I’m logging forces experienced by a bicycle {rider} when traveling through an urban environment. Many of these forces go unnoticed by the rider focused in the action of riding. I’m looking to utilize mobile GPS-enabled handsets as a central part of […]

  • it’s real (time) !

    after a couple of late nights, i have a proof-of-concept in the real-time cycling-related datalogging. the reasons behind the project are still getting sorted, but lately my interest in ubiquitous urban sensor networks has been piqued and this is a tentative exploration in that area. sensors don’t have to remain static as part of physical […]

  • Arduino in Eclipse

    This tutorial describes how to set up Eclipse for Arduino (AVR) C/C++ development. Eclipse is a full-featured Integrated Development Environment with modern editor features such as syntax highlighting, code completion and error checking. I became interested in using Eclipse for Arduino development as I’m often simultaneously developing firmware for the chip and visualization software in […]

  • ITP 1-in-1: bike blinky!

    For the 1-in-1 Project as part of ITP’s 30th anniversary celebration I over-engineering the simple bicycle blinky light. Why go for a simple, off-the-shelf blinky light when we can build a much more complicated one ourselves?! I’m creating an animated display, which changes to solid red while braking. Update: (5:26) It’s been a long night, […]

  • Rest of You: Bike Forces

    (note: I’m awaiting the HR sensor, this is mostly outward forces) I’m logging the acceleration forces at the handlebars of my bicycle while riding through New York City. The body has roughly three contact points with a bicycle, the hands at the handlebars, the “seat” at the saddle, and the feet at the pedals. The […]

  • rattle…

    This is just a teaser for a project I’ve recently begun, but I had an “a-ha” moment when the visualization program finally came together just now and wanted to share… This is geocoded accelerometer data from the handlebars of my bicycle on my commute from Greenpoint to ITP in the East Village. The sample at middle […]

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