Tag: assignment

  • LEITv: Fly or Pie show

    This assignment was to develop a concept around a two-screen, live event experience; specifically, using TV and computer via internet. Our group’s concept was a variety-style, Gong Show inspired show with binary voting from viewers to determine via aggregate whether a performance was Fly (a rousing success) or Pie (a miserable failure) which received a […]

  • motivations: karma

    [written for Media Economics & Participation at ITP] Slashdot users are seeking karma. However, gaining positive karma at Slashdot is just a means to an end; Slashdot users are seeking (limited) power and status among their peers in the form of fleeting moderator access for the vibrant comments component of the highly active, technology-focused news […]

  • Site-Specific: Week 2, Comments

    This is a rough collection of comments and notes on the assignment for week 2 of Site-Specific.

  • Driving Forces

    [assignment in the syllabus] A driving force is a trend or factor, operating in the world today, which will influence the way the future evolves over the next 5-15 years. We were asked to identify a driving force, and it’s associated predetermined elements and critical uncertainties. Driving Force: There is a desire for immediate knowledge of […]

  • Observation of popular technology…nib.

    The first bit of our notes from our observation of folks using tech in Brooklyn. I’ll fill in the rest of the notes and a cleaned up version of our discussion.

  • Visualizing: Revisualizing Sound

    Progress on the sound sketch. I’m not satisfied with the sketch yet, but I’ve attached two screenshots of the result so far. The applet and source code are available. Of the assignment description, the final sentences drew my attention: “How would you explain it to someone who’s deaf. What is purpose of visualizing sound differently? […]

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