Tag: iphone

  • Earth Day + Mobile Logger

    Thursday, April 22nd is Earth Day. The weather is looking to be sunny and 65 degrees in New York City. Sounds like a perfect day to ride your bike (or walk, run or whatever you like to do outside). Since you’re already going to be out there, why not log the trip, help me with […]

  • Mobile Logger on the App Store!

    After several rounds of rejection, Mobile Logger has been accepted and is available on the App Store! Feel free to try it out; hopefully some folks will find it useful. The source code for the application has been released under the GPL and is available on github. I’m still actively recruiting participants for my ongoing […]

  • …here goes nothing. Mobile Logger submitted.

    Just submitted MobileLogger to the AppStore. Hoping this goes smoothly given my tight schedule for thesis. For reference, when there are multiple versions of Xcode / iPhone SDK, specifically a beta version alongside the release version, and using xcodebuild command…explicitly set the xcode path to the release version or the application may be built against […]

  • …of course i was logging

    I fractured my ankle in a hard snowboard crash a couple of weeks ago and of course I was data logging the accelerometer forces. I was using the iPhone app developed last fall for the seismi{c}ycling project; while riding the phone was in my jacket’s internal chest pocket. A group from ITP was enjoying the […]

  • OCR for iPhone source

    The source code for the Tesseract OCR for iPhone project has been published. It’s really simple – more of a skeleton, proof-of-concept project than anything else. Still, though, it’s neat to have nearly point-and-shoot text conversion in your pocket. The project page is: Pocket OCR The source code is available at github: http://github.com/rcarlsen/Pocket-OCR There is […]

  • OCR on iPhone demo

    Update: Source code for demo project released. i finally got around to building a proof of concept implementation of tesseract-ocr for the iPhone. months ago, i documented the steps which helped to get the library cross-compiled for the iPhone’s ARM processor, and how to build a fat library for use with the simulator as well. […]

  • No summertime fun: BeachBall rejected

    BeachBall was recently rejected by the iPhone Developer Program on the claim that it infringes an Apple trademark image. I’m not surprised by this at all, although I was taken aback by the (relatively) quick response – 7 days. The usual Guidelines for Using Apple’s Trademarks and Copyrights was quoted: Apple Logo and Apple-owned Graphic […]

  • Summer time: BeachBall

    The BeachBall app has been submitted to the iPhone App Store. I’m pretty sure that I’ve crossed all the t’s and dotted the i’s throughout the application and am holding out hope for a smooth process. If all goes well it will be a great surprise just before the next semester kicks off. Thanks to […]

  • PinwheelBeta – adhoc

    In preparation of submitting Pinwheel to the App Store I’ve gone and released a beta version via ad hoc distribution. Seems like it should be a straightforward prospect, however the various device provisioning, code signing profiles and entitlements made it a bit of a process for a first-timer. iTunes also seems to be entirely unhelpful […]

  • cross-compiling for iPhone dev

    Update: Proof-of-concept demo. Also, updated the script for building with the 10.6 SDK. Update #2: Source code for demo project released. Update #3: script for use with tesseract v3 posted. I recently had need to use an open-source library in an iPhone project. Recalling the earlier work necessary in compiling the libraries needed for openFrameworks […]