Tag: visualization

  • Spatial Media: previz

    Started to put together the initial visualizations of the data flowing between the “cloud” and the potential devices on the table. The central area is the router, or the network conduit to the internet; each node around the periphery is a device on the table. In this rough demo the red and blue streams are […]

  • Spatial Media: TrafficFlow Implementation

    The TrafficFlow project has changed due to comments received during the first critique. The table is circular with a smooth surface. User places an internet connected device on the table (mobile phone, PDA, laptop). After visiting the project’s website with the device and performing a brief initialization, particles representing internet traffic emanate from the device […]

  • Visualizing (proxemic) space

    In conducting research for the CycleSense bicycle traffic proximity system I gathered data about the amount of space behind a bicycle rider traveling through typical New York City traffic at various times and locations. The initial visualization of this data was to graph the distances over time to look for specific events that the system […]

  • space

    In reaction to seeing my research on the cycling proximity project Jane sent me some really interesting information about Edward Hall and his work on Proxemics. I’m still reading up on the concept, but in brief it pertains to the study of space that individuals maintain in various social interactions and specifically how several cultures […]

  • data logging…mobile

    (this is an initial report for a longer post) in conducting field research for the CycleSense bicycle proximity sensor i’m looking to gather data about actual proximity events while riding and to correlate these events with video documentation and personal annotation from the test subject…probably just me. to that end, i’ve worked on rigging up […]