Category: Uncategorized

  • Touch Fingerprint

    An in-class exercise in trying to convey the sense of touch on-screen. Given a matrix of white points on a black field, we had to rework the project with our own “fingerprint” in about 30 minutes.

  • Visualizing (proxemic) space

    In conducting research for the CycleSense bicycle traffic proximity system I gathered data about the amount of space behind a bicycle rider traveling through typical New York City traffic at various times and locations. The initial visualization of this data was to graph the distances over time to look for specific events that the system […]

  • ITP Winter Show 2008

    This evening is the first night of the 2008 Winter Show at ITP. My Cloud Reader project has been included, and I’ll be attending to it each night in the main hallway – surrounded by other really interesting work. The atmosphere on the floor last night was energized…almost like a festival. I’m excited for the […]

  • that’s right…it’s on!

    the payoff after updating my linux dvr wouldn’t be so great if the struggle wasn’t there…anyway, added a SATA card, 1.5 terabyte drive, nvidia 8400 video card…and upgraded the SATA card’s and motherboard’s bios’ for good measure (well, actually the SATA card wasn’t letting the system POST while a drive was connected….lame…it had a really […]

  • IPhone OS 2.2 is go!

    After the great, quick reaction by the iPhone dev team in updating the Pwnage and QuickPwn tools for the 2.2 firmware release, I upgraded my device this evening. The update couldn’t have come sooner…my phone had been acting oddly since upgrading to 2.0. (long delays in loading several apps – SMS, Contacts, Safari…icons would wiggle […]

  • pressure…

    …i always feel pressure to write something useful here…knowing that it’s linked to from the blog blender and that there is a steady stream of visitors (well, a really small number, but consistent…so let’s acll that a “steady stream”, ok?) – damn you google analytics! i never cared until i added that, although it did […]

  • hateful

    i hate losing things….in this case my house keys and special lever for my bicycle wheels. my exhaustion and a faulty carabiner keychain conspired to drop my keys on the NYC sidewalk with me unawares. i didn’t realize it until i was standing at my doorstep in greenpoint at 3am, in the cold and windy […]

  • next step…the world!

    i got around to working directly with the Arduino’s microchip, the ATmega168, and built my first Arduino on a breadboard. part of the reason is cost…an Arduino Diecimila is $30, even the Barebones Arduino and similar clones are about $15. A raw ATmega168 chip is about $4, and the remaining parts (sans breadboard) are about […]

  • data logging…mobile

    (this is an initial report for a longer post) in conducting field research for the CycleSense bicycle proximity sensor i’m looking to gather data about actual proximity events while riding and to correlate these events with video documentation and personal annotation from the test subject…probably just me. to that end, i’ve worked on rigging up […]

  • looking back…

    Jody and I created this in-camera piece during class for 2×2. We’ve had to move to the Moon in the next hundred years and the Earth becomes uninhabitable. This is a nostalgic look back at a slice of New York City