exploration: accounts of success and misadventure
…little help (oh, malloc)?
i’m having a time of it tracking down a resource allocation bloat culprit in an iPhone app i’m working on. i’ve narrowed it down to when i’m rapidly updating the center property of a UIImageView. a snippet from the Instruments application is below: there are hundreds (if not thousands) of these messages, and the object […]
git outta here…
I’m switching my Source Control Management software to git. Performance has been great, I’m learning to branch and merge with wild abandon and philosophically it’s right on (what with the distributed model and all). Creating a new remote repository on my private server was *almost* too easy. The one snafu was getting sshd to include […]
(overly simplistic) saving state in oF for iPhone
There was a recent comment about saving / restoring application state when using openFrameworks for iPhone which got me to thinking about how to do it. Apple’s frameworks provide a fairly thorough way to save state to the disk and restore later. There seem to be three primary ways to do this: simple plist files […]
i recently switched to Coda for web development. now, i don’t do much web dev any longer…mostly for myself (as evidenced my this latest overhaul of robertcarlsen.net – which amounts to theme hacking, really). i never had a problem with tabbing through several programs to get the job done, but i like Panic’s style. the […]
update and migration
i’ve updated the site’s design and will be migrating it to a new server over the next couple of days. in the meantime, please forgive any oddities (but feel free to let me know about them – i’m currently dealing with the code examples formatting right now). also, all the old permalinks are dead and […]
openFrameworks knitting circle
Had a really nice time tonight at the oF knitting circle held at Parsons in NYC. Saw several really inspiring projects and spoke to several people about using openFrameworks for iPhone development and showed the current version of the particle game using ofxiPhoneAlertView. Quite a few folks mentioned that they have become interested in openFrameworks […]
Here is a (really) basic wrapper for the UIAlertView in openFrameworks of iPhone. Not all of the necessary delegate methods have been implemented yet, but this is enough for me to get the proof of concept rolling in an app I’m building. Feel free to let me know how I can do things better, or […]
Using openFrameworks for iPhone dev
[Also available at ITPedia. Watch video of the BarCampNYC4 presentation.] This is an overview of getting set up using openFrameworks for iPhone development. What is openFrameworks? openFrameworks is a “a C++ library for creative coding”. It shares a similar philosophy with Processing (as a library for Java). The intended audience “are folks using computers for creative, artistic […]