exploration: accounts of success and misadventure

  • Vacation

    On a much needed vacation following the ITP Spring Show. Just back from a week in Philadelphia catching up with beloved places and friends. Looking forward to a few more days of relaxing in NYC before getting back to work.

  • Thinking Physically: BlindSight presentation

    This is the final project presentation of BlindSight for the ITP Thinking Physically class in Spring 2009. BlindSight is is a collaboration between Robert Carlsen and Andrew Styer. BlindSight aims to explore synesthesia by associating certain body positions with visual hallucinations induced by photic stimulation. In other words, flashing lights at various frequencies seems to […]

  • 1-2-10: Cloud Reader revised interface

    The consensus from the brief review of the interface comps last week was to simplify. Trying to put everything on one screen was confusing, and I had lost a clear hierarchy in the design. This revision takes those comments into consideration. I’m still playing with the treatment of the masthead and of the button layout. […]

  • 1-2-10: Cloud Reader interface comps

    The first web interface wireframes for Cloud Reader. Overall comments: too busy, too complicated for what is supposed to be a simple service. Good advice, back to the sketching.

  • 1-2-10: Sensors

    Brainstorming some sensors and possible applications. Two quick examples. Wake-up Coffee and Deflation. There are several habitual activities that I do upon waking up, regardless of what time that ends up being. One of them is to make some coffee. Many coffee makers have timer features, but my preferred device, a single-serving espresso maker does […]

  • vision is highly overrated…

    This project aims to explore synesthesia by associating certain body positions with visual hallucinations induced by photic stimulation. In other words, flashing lights at various frequencies seems to cause visual patterns to appear for the viewer. Simple wearable sensors will adjust the frequency of the flashes and thus provide various patterns. Although the patterns may differ […]

  • Spatial Media: Look out below!

    This project aims to be much more lighthearted than the TrafficFlow project. My primary interest in the Spatial Media final project was to do something large – at an architectural scale. Anderson Miller had a similar desire and we came up with an utterly ridiculous idea.

  • Toy Design: Talking Blocks sketches

    Alex and I have been developing the plans for the blocks in preparation for building the prototypes in the next week. For this, I built the community edition of QCad (open source FTW!) and have been teaching myself how to draw with it. There was a bit of a learning curve to the interface and […]

  • counting change

    As an in-class exercise for Spatial Media we were asked to develop a program which would identify coins in a series of supplied images and tally up their total value. In one hour. Since time was limited, I decided to use pixel count as a rough estimate of each coin’s size. This works very reliably […]

Mastodon Pixelfed