exploration: accounts of success and misadventure
openFrameworks + iPhone libs
I’ve had a few days to test the libraries I cobbled together for using openFrameworks with iPhone and also received positive reports from some folks who tried out the Makefiles I provided to them, so here they are for anyone who’s willing to try them out. -please make these instructions better if you see fit-
openFrameworks + iPhone
I’ve heard about openFrameworks 0.6 (as of yet unreleased) and specifically efforts to support building apps using oF for the iPhone. There are a few developers who have published videos of their efforts and even several apps in the AppStore. Memo Atken has a very informative article about setting up the prerelease 0.6 version for […]
TrafficFlow: Prototype
Ameya and I presented the prototype of TrafficFlow yesterday at ITP for our Spatial Media midterm project. It is an installation-based table which visualizes wireless traffic on a local network as gracefully flowing rivers of light. Each user on a network has an individual connection to the internet and may have a conceptual model of […]
Thinking Physically: ThinkBig
Corey Menscher and I worked together on ThinkBig for the Whole Body Interface exercise in Thinking Physically. Corey had the basic idea of making soft switches which would be foot activated. Initially he was going to make three which you’d have to skip between.
Thinking Physically: FaceSpace
Andrew Styer and I worked together to develop FaceSpace – a device which indicates the amount of space in front of the wearer in terms of Proxemic distance. It’s designed to be somewhat impractical, nearly completely obscuring your view and forcing reliance on the dial’s reading while walking around a space.
Spatial Media: TrafficFlow update
Simple updates on the project. The previz applet has mouse control for each of the emitters. It’s interesting to see how the glowing packets influence each other when in close proximity. Here’s the applet. Camera vision. Started working with openFrameworks to do the visual tracking of objects on the table. Unexposed portions of developed film […]
Simple things feel so good. (warning: geekery)
Toggle an integer variable between 0 and 1. Useful for a flag to control program flow in C without boolean types. toggleVar = 1>>toggleVar; What this is doing is right shifting the integer 1 either zero or one place, depending on the current value of toggleVar. An 8-bit (unsigned – positive values only) integer has […]
Using Arduino in Xcode
While the Arduino IDE (Integrated Development Environment) is relatively simple way to program the Arduino hardware, I found myself getting frustrated by it’s limited features after spending time using Xcode and Eclipse. There are some simple tutorials available online which demonstrate how to set up Xcode for programming the Arduino, however these didn’t “just work” […]
1-2-10: Interfaces research
I’m running a linux-based home theater pc (HTPC for the uninitiated). Originally the user interface was solely MythTV, but lately I’ve been trying out XBMC, Boxee for media management as well asvarious fullscreen web apps (Hulu, NY Times Reader, Netflix WatchNow, Adobe TourTracker) to see what does and doesn’t work from ten feet away. MythTV, […]
Spatial Media: previz
Started to put together the initial visualizations of the data flowing between the “cloud” and the potential devices on the table. The central area is the router, or the network conduit to the internet; each node around the periphery is a device on the table. In this rough demo the red and blue streams are […]