Spatial Media: TrafficFlow update

Simple updates on the project. The previz applet has mouse control for each of the emitters. It’s interesting to see how the glowing packets influence each other when in close proximity. Here’s the applet.


Camera vision. Started working with openFrameworks to do the visual tracking of objects on the table. Unexposed portions of developed film negatives block most visible light and let IR light pass. Using this as a filter over the built-in iSight camera, I was able to test a rudimentary camera tracking system. It would likely be better to use a more robust library like openCV, but writing the tracking myself helped me to learn about how it works.

Still have to merge these two components. It looks like I’ll have to rewrite the flocking system in C++ since Processing/Java is getting bogged down. Ameya is working on the web side of the project – messing with a linux-based router to handle the proxy and packet sniffing as well as a database system to manage the data.

The table was built throughout this past week; we still need to mount the camera and projector in an effective way for under projection and sensing…any advice?





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