Tag: design

  • coda

    i recently switched to Coda for web development. now, i don’t do much web dev any longer…mostly for myself (as evidenced my this latest overhaul of robertcarlsen.net – which amounts to theme hacking, really). i never had a problem with tabbing through several programs to get the job done, but i like Panic’s style. the […]

  • 1-2-10: Cloud Reader revised interface

    The consensus from the brief review of the interface comps last week was to simplify. Trying to put everything on one screen was confusing, and I had lost a clear hierarchy in the design. This revision takes those comments into consideration. I’m still playing with the treatment of the masthead and of the button layout. […]

  • 1-2-10: Cloud Reader interface comps

    The first web interface wireframes for Cloud Reader. Overall comments: too busy, too complicated for what is supposed to be a simple service. Good advice, back to the sketching.

  • 1-2-10: Interfaces research

    I’m running a linux-based home theater pc (HTPC for the uninitiated). Originally the user interface was solely MythTV, but lately I’ve been trying out XBMC, Boxee for media management as well asvarious fullscreen web apps (Hulu, NY Times Reader, Netflix WatchNow, Adobe TourTracker) to see what does and doesn’t work from ten feet away. MythTV, […]

  • Spatial Media: Dining Table

    Situational Lighting for dining table. Dining tables in the home seem to be used for many functions and can be a central hub of activity in small living spaces. Three situations quickly come to my mind: entertaining, working and eating. I propose a situational reactive illumination system for the dining room table.

  • 1-2-10: Beyond desktop

    (Oh! Naiveté! A laypersons notes on revolutionizing UIX) 1. Tagging / metadata. – Non-hierarchal storage system. Mandatory (semi-automatic) tagging system. Tags used to enable following spatial recall / gestalt grouping / temporal arrangement. (Spotlight / Google Desktop Search / OpenMeta) 2. Portal – Extension of metaphor of cloud computing. device becomes access to cloud-based data. […]

  • Spatial Media: Traffic Flow

    Tangible interface for exploring local network traffic. The installation will be been designed to visualize the flow of information within a local area network. The goal is to make visible the invisible layer of information that comprises our information infrastructure which generally flows beneath a general level of awareness.

  • 1-2-10: Click Here

    Designing buttons for mobile devices. Each button has to evoke a word from a provided list. happy, angry, scared, fast, nervous, cute, dangerous, search, glamourous, full, skinny, noisy, painful, tiny, quiet, hot, cold, sexy, free, autumn, childish, breaking news

  • Spatial Media: Fivesies

    The couch is often prime space in a living room during social gatherings and securing a spot on it can be a priority. Eventually, the couch sitter will have to get up, to use the restroom, to get a drink or snacks, to take a phone call, etc.. “Calling fives” or “fivesies” declares your intention […]

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