Tag: make

  • ITP 1-in-1: bike blinky!

    For the 1-in-1 Project as part of ITP’s 30th anniversary celebration I over-engineering the simple bicycle blinky light. Why go for a simple, off-the-shelf blinky light when we can build a much more complicated one ourselves?! I’m creating an animated display, which changes to solid red while braking. Update: (5:26) It’s been a long night, […]

  • Thinking Physically: ThinkBig

    Corey Menscher and I worked together on ThinkBig for the Whole Body Interface exercise in Thinking Physically. Corey had the basic idea of making soft switches which would be foot activated. Initially he was going to make three which you’d have to skip between.

  • Spatial Media: TrafficFlow update

    Simple updates on the project. The previz applet has mouse control for each of the emitters. It’s interesting to see how the glowing packets influence each other when in close proximity. Here’s the applet. Camera vision. Started working with openFrameworks to do the visual tracking of objects on the table. Unexposed portions of developed film […]

  • Thinking Physically: brauswitch demonstration

    Following up on the initial post about the brauswitch – the eyebrow activated headband switch. Here is some video with a simple application demonstrating it’s use. There are separate switches for both the left and right sides. The simple Arduino code listed below will indicate if the left, right or both sides have been activated. […]

  • feeling productive…iPhone glove

    after another rough week of classes, planning and discussions about projects without actually making anything, i needed a quick productivity break. iPhone gloves. some quick background. the touchscreen on the iPhone and iPod Touch (as well as the older click wheel iPods and trackpad on Macbook/Pro’s) use the capacitance of skin to track touches. gloves […]

  • Toy Design: TraceBug proposal

    Visiting the American International Toy Fair gave me a brief overview of what is popular across many facets of the toy industry. I wouldn’t claim to have a thorough comprehension of the market, but it was certainly an informative experience. Some of my notes from fair: Infrared control. Lots of robot kits. Solar powered vs. […]

  • Thinking Physically: Brauswitch

    [Follow-up with a short video demonstration of it available here.] The Brauswtich is a digital switch to be worn on the forehead, just above the eyebrows. Raising one or both eyebrows will close the switch. There is a small gap between the upper and lower portions of the headband. It is made with a heavy […]

  • Thinking Physically: {h}ears

    megaphones for ears. inspired by prince, tigre and penguin. i’ve always been a cat person. when i lived with my first cat i’d watch his ears swivel as he would listen to the sounds around us. sometimes i’d make quiet noises when he was looking away to see if he’d turn his ears toward me. […]

  • Thinking Physically: Experiment 1

    Our first experiment for Thinking Physically is to “Create an interface or interaction that causes a person to ‘open up’.” This statement is intentionally vague – emotional, physical, literal? My initial notes: People seem to be aloof or wary of unfamiliar others. A shared experience seems to break down this distance. Observing a humorous or […]

  • Toy Design: SkipDraw*

    *(the name of the toy is still under consideration) SkipDraw A classic toy reinvented for the active kid of today. Wear the SkipDraw on your ankle and spin it on the floor around your feet. As it spins, the LED lighted cross will rotate independently. See it draw images of light in mid air as […]

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