Category: Visualizing the Five Senses

  • Touch Fingerprint

    An in-class exercise in trying to convey the sense of touch on-screen. Given a matrix of white points on a black field, we had to rework the project with our own “fingerprint” in about 30 minutes.

  • Visualizing (proxemic) space

    In conducting research for the CycleSense bicycle traffic proximity system I gathered data about the amount of space behind a bicycle rider traveling through typical New York City traffic at various times and locations. The initial visualization of this data was to graph the distances over time to look for specific events that the system […]

  • space

    In reaction to seeing my research on the cycling proximity project Jane sent me some really interesting information about Edward Hall and his work on Proxemics. I’m still reading up on the concept, but in brief it pertains to the study of space that individuals maintain in various social interactions and specifically how several cultures […]

  • sense-o-llage

    combining the various sense visualizations into a collage. each layer is taken from a separate project. the overall guiding comment in this arrangement is that sound envelops and vision centers my awareness looking forward to the final project for visualizing senses, i’m thinking of working with touch and space. several projects that i’ve investigated for […]

  • Wine tasting

    Working with a large database of wines for the next Visualizing the Five Senses project. The database contains much information on approximately 5000 wines. After much thought on the sense of taste and after reading up on wine varieties, I decided to focus on the six categories of wine (Red, White, Sparkling-Red, Sparkling-White, Fortified-Red and […]

  • Scatterplot…

    Trying to migrate my knowledge of Processing into Java and the Eclipse development environment. This is Ben Fry’s zipcode lookup applet as described in “Visualizing Data”. There are some oddities in my implementation of it, perhaps due to my inexperience with vanilla Java and a shoddy porting of his code. Oh well, I’ll tinker with […]

  • Ripples

    So, flight404’s (robert hodgin) work as been very inspiring and influential to my own. There are many people whom I feel are pushing the envelope of meaningful and beautiful visualization and he is one of them. The Ripples project is one the the first that really convinced me to dive into using Processing. This depicts […]

  • Visualizing Smell

    The research presented by Leslie Vosshall et al regarding larval olfactory response (ie. smell) provides several challenges in visualizing an invisible sense. There does seem to be evidence that the larvae are drawn to the higher areas of concentration, but how to illustrate that pull? The illustrations in the research’s published work depict greater concentrations […]

  • Visualizing infographic

    Here’s a really interesting infographic. I can’t recall the source, but if someone points me to it I’ll credit them appropriately. I really appreciate how probability is immediately comparable via the relative sizes of the ellipses. Update: Apparently it was published in the National Geographic in August 2006 based on data from the National Safety […]

  • Visualizing: Sense of (small) scale

    Making initial experiments with scale. Used the USB microscope to take images at the two magnifications available (20x and 400x). I was really intrigued with the surface of the computer…both because it was readily available and because the metal is actually quite pitted rather than smooth. There is also a lot of “stuff” in and […]

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