exploration: accounts of success and misadventure

  • hateful

    i hate losing things….in this case my house keys and special lever for my bicycle wheels. my exhaustion and a faulty carabiner keychain conspired to drop my keys on the NYC sidewalk with me unawares. i didn’t realize it until i was standing at my doorstep in greenpoint at 3am, in the cold and windy […]

  • sense-o-llage

    combining the various sense visualizations into a collage. each layer is taken from a separate project. the overall guiding comment in this arrangement is that sound envelops and vision centers my awareness looking forward to the final project for visualizing senses, i’m thinking of working with touch and space. several projects that i’ve investigated for […]

  • next step…the world!

    i got around to working directly with the Arduino’s microchip, the ATmega168, and built my first Arduino on a breadboard. part of the reason is cost…an Arduino Diecimila is $30, even the Barebones Arduino and similar clones are about $15. A raw ATmega168 chip is about $4, and the remaining parts (sans breadboard) are about […]

  • data logging…mobile

    (this is an initial report for a longer post) in conducting field research for the CycleSense bicycle proximity sensor i’m looking to gather data about actual proximity events while riding and to correlate these events with video documentation and personal annotation from the test subject…probably just me. to that end, i’ve worked on rigging up […]

  • looking back…

    Jody and I created this in-camera piece during class for 2×2. We’ve had to move to the Moon in the next hundred years and the Earth becomes uninhabitable. This is a nostalgic look back at a slice of New York City

  • charged

    there was a jubilant feeling in the air as i rode home through the streets of new york. union square was completely choked with revelers, frequently cheering and chanting. spontaneous and sporadic cheers or calls of “obama” pierced the night.

  • historic (visualizations)

    wow. what a night. exhausted but filled with hope. the visualizations of the results as they filtered in were great, but the new york times seemed best. specifically that you could zoom in and also look at historical results by state or county. great work

  • Wine tasting

    Working with a large database of wines for the next Visualizing the Five Senses project. The database contains much information on approximately 5000 wines. After much thought on the sense of taste and after reading up on wine varieties, I decided to focus on the six categories of wine (Red, White, Sparkling-Red, Sparkling-White, Fortified-Red and […]

  • i knew that it’s been watching me.

    years ago we used to joke that the small microphone at the top of some apple monitors (beige powerPC era) was a stress sensor and would allow the computer to detect when you were getting frustrated or were under a deadline and would then misbehave to spite you. when the macbooks added the isight camera […]

  • catching up to do.

    the lead up to midterms at ITP have nearly caused me to shut down a bit…but now that my physical computing project has been presented i can begin to see through to the other side and make preparations for the rest of the semester. it’s going by so quickly… there’s much documentation to catch up […]

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